Renewable Energy Solutions for Communities

Executive Summary

The ADIRA Corporation (ADIRA) founded in 2019, is a U.S.A. company based in Columbus, Ohio, doing business in the United States and Africa. ADIRA is also registered in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).  ADIRA has made a total of 17 visits to D.R.C., spending approximately 200 days. ADIRA’s goal is to provide renewable energy in all forms, i.e. electric, wind, hydro, and solar, that will change the environmental footprint in DRC and across Africa. Renewable energy, in its many forms, provides clean water and electrification, which will be life-changing for Africa.

Currently, we are working with Agence Nationale de l’Electrication et des Services Energetiques en milieux Rural et periurbain (ANSER) in DRC. This is a Pilot Project dictated by ANSER in the province of Bas-Uele in the territory of Poko.

ADIRA is seeking funding to undertake this project. ADIRA has invested capital of approximately $ 500,000.00 USD over the last 3 years to promote its projects in DRC.


Jacqueline S. Downey

1152 Kingslea Rd.
Columbus, OH 43209
(614) 578-1519

Executive Management Team

Jacqueline S. Downey


Jacqueline is an attorney with experience in immigration, business, and governmental law. She has worked in politics and not-for-profit organizations.  Her “servant-leadership” principles are woven throughout ADIRA’S team, operations, and client relationships.

Nadine Kamiya

Chief Operating Officer

Nadine has a background in Sociology and International Relations. She has worked in communications as the leader for immigrant communities. In ADIRA her problem-solving acumen will be directed to issues of sustainability, education, and long-term development.

Our Team

Bernard Beal, Investment Banker

Robert Downey, Foreign Credit International Risk Insurance

John Kamiya, Architect/Planner

Stephanie Matthews, Project Developer

Theresa Potter, Marketing

Tanisha Robinson, Business Consultant

Francis Shako, Congolese Liaison

Robert Whitehead, U.S. Diplomat

Business Mission

We will provide renewable energy solutions, products, and services of superior quality and value that will improve the lives of communities, now and for generations to come.





Female Entrepreneurship


Agriculture • Commerce • Education • Female Entrepreneurship • Healthcare

“The future of Africa is dependent upon solar solutions that will help outlying regions participate in economic development.”

– Jacqueline S. Downey

Pilot Program

This Pilot Project is bespoken for Sona Bata, DRC.  The National Association for the Electrification of Rural Areas (ANSER) chose Sona Bata to test and implement a broad and secure energy system  in  DRC.   The goal for both ADIRA and ANSER is to have the Pilot be replicated and to serve as a model for other solar projects  in rural areas of DRC.

ADIRA will provide the means to develop and support derivative development systems, specifically, but not limited, to the supply of electrification, potable water, and broadband communications.

ADIRA has put together an accomplished group of Congolese and American technicians, engineers, and workers to make this a Congolese project from beginning to end. The goal  to provide jobs to the community is a significant aspect of this project.
